Chocolate ice cream with olive oil

Dream that sunny days are here again, refresh yourself with this delicious chocolate & olive oil ice cream! ⠀ 

Recipe (4-6 servings): ⠀ 

  • 6 yolks⠀ 
  • 350 ml milk⠀ 
  • 120 g sugar ⠀ 
  • 250 ml cream ⠀ 
  • 110 ml extra virgin olive oil⠀ 
  • 120 g dark chocolate ⠀ 
  • Pinch of salt ⠀ ⠀ 

Preparation: ⠀ 

- break chocolate in pieces, mix the egg yolks with 1/2 part of sugar until it becomes foamy ⠀ 

- mix the milk, salt and the rest of sugar in a bowl. Make it luke warm, not hot and then mix with the egg yolk cream mixing continuously. Mix until the cream becomes solid. ⠀ 

- drain the cream through the drainer into the bowl with cream, pieces of chocolate and the olive oil. Mix well so that all ingredients combine well. ⠀ 

- put the cream to cool off in cold bain marie and then into the fridge to completely cool off. ⠀