How We Achieve Super High Polyphenol Content

Influence Of Production Process On Polyphenol Content 

Polyphenol content in olives varies significantly throughout the growing cycle and is influenced by the stage of ripeness, climatic conditions, and the olive variety. 

This is how we achieve maximum polyphenols through cultivation: 

Early Growth (Green Stage): During the early stages of growth, when olives are green, polyphenol content is relatively high. Polyphenols are crucial for the plant's defence mechanism against pests and diseases. Oils produced from green olives have a higher concentration of polyphenols, resulting in a more bitter and pungent flavour, which is characteristic of high-quality extra virgin olive oil. 

Ripening (Turning Purple): As olives begin to ripen and change colour from green to purple, polyphenol levels start to decrease. However, this stage still maintains a balance between oil quality and quantity. The bitterness and pungency of the oil is slightly reduced compared to oil from green olives, but the oil still retains significant health benefits and stability. 

Fully Ripe (Black Stage): When olives reach full ripeness and turn black, the polyphenol content is at its lowest. The oil extracted at this stage is milder and less bitter, with a more fruity flavour. While the oil yield is higher, the reduced polyphenol content means the oil has lower antioxidant properties and shorter shelf life. 

Other factors influencing polyphenol levels include:    

- Varietal Differences: Different olive varieties have varying levels of polyphenols. Some varieties naturally produce oil with higher polyphenol content.    

- Climatic Conditions: Environmental factors such as temperature, rainfall, and soil type can affect polyphenol levels. For instance, olives grown in hotter climates might have different polyphenol dynamics compared to those in cooler regions.    

- Agricultural Practices: Practices such as irrigation, fertilisation, and pest control also influence polyphenol content. To produce olive oil with high polyphenol levels and the associated health benefits, olives should be harvested before they are fully ripe.